my story
​I'm Dawn, a mixed media artist / designer and creative educator,
dedicated to spreading joy through vibrant colour and bold pattern.
I’m passionate about the transformative benefits of creativity, and I offer relaxed, easy to follow classes that explore a variety of techniques, designed to help you unlock your unique creative potential. ​
Back in the day, after a two year foundational art course, I completed a further three years with
The Society of Industrial Artists & Designers in graphics, interior and furniture design,
landing myself a great job with Habitat in London, working with gorgeous fabrics and wallpapers.
Many years later I went on to study textile design and colour therapy, all of which add to the depth of my teaching, as I continue to explore amazing opportunities for wellbeing through art and creative play.
At heart, my playful paintings and designs are simply the vessels
into which I can pour colour and add pattern.
Much of my art is created through a technique I call 'intuitive painting'.
This involves creating layer upon layer of different colours and textures, producing
shapes and images that can then be worked into with finer detail.
Rooted in spontaneity, my method frees me from traditional imagery,
allowing more imaginative expressions to emerge.
It is the most joyful, playful way I have ever experienced painting, as I never fully know
what will be revealed before I start, each brushstroke creating something new and unexpected.
I hope you feel inspired to join me on a journey of self-discovery as you explore
your own creative expression, enhancing your potential and well-being along the way.

other things i like to do (when i'm not spending time with my family)
(when i'm not spending time with my family)

Visit inspiring places

Create new jewellery designs

Explore rock pools along the Moray coast

Head over to my classes page to see what else I get up to......
Head over to my classes page to see what else I get up to......